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Yes& Wins Prestigious Awards for National Flood Insurance Campaign

Written by Yes& | Mar 22, 2022 6:28:02 PM

It certainly is awards season! Yes&’s work on the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) “Keep Home” campaign was recognized by the MUSE Creative Awards with five awards across several categories. The campaign won four gold awards in the Integrated Marketing, Video, Experiential & Immersive, and Audio categories. It also took home a platinum award within the Outdoor Advertising category. 

The MUSE Creative Awards are a part of the MUSE Awards Program, which are based on a mission to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution. At its core, the MUSE Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals who inspire others.  

The winning campaign supports the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program, which faced the dilemma of marketing a product most people have already decided they do not need. Hurricanes are bigger, broader and more predictable every year. With the risk of flooding in many communities, many consumers still bet against mother nature instead of protecting themselves financially against flood damage. 

Yes& focused on reaching new audiences and educating communities in more urban areas on their flood risk. Through working with local artists and talent to create original artwork and visuals, Yes& uniquely conveyed a custom look-and-feel for each region.  

To launch FEMA’s new campaign, Yes& deployed an integrated, multi-channel campaign targeting consumers, insurance agents, and community stakeholders within each hurricane market through video, audio, digital advertising, social media, search ads, and a unique digital destination. The campaign later launched across a range of high-impact media properties, including CNN, ESPN, USA Today, The Weather Channel, iHeart Radio, Spotify, and the New York Times, to help FEMA successfully market flood insurance to consumers to protect their homes.  

Yes& is proud of the creativity that went into this award-winning work. One of the assets of the campaign was a video launched across the regions mentioned above. Here is one of the videos that targeted New York: take a look!