
Inquiry. Ideas. Inspiration.

Lara Mandell

Lara Mandell
Marketing Intern

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Yes& General

What Picking Out the Perfect Pumpkin Can Teach You About Agency Selection

Fall is officially in full swing. The leaves in your neighborhood are changing and slowly starting to fall. Your family is debating how soon is too soon to start decorating the house for Halloween. And all anyone can talk about is pumpkin: pumpkin spice, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin picking.

Lara Mandell

Yes& General

Building a Talent Pipeline

It’s simple, really. To ensure your company's success, you want to hire and retain the best people. The clients will quickly follow. Upcoming college graduations offer one of the best ways to build a solid talent pipeline from the bottom up. Companies have the opportunity to hire high potential college interns and recent graduates who provide new and fresh ideas that will help the company grow and improve. By partnering with colleges, companies can inspire the next generation of professionals while staying engaged and up to date on marketing trends. Bringing in college students allows companies to develop early talent that can become the next leaders of their organizations. At Yes&, we are constantly looking for new talent—and some of the most innovative ideas come from our Yes&terns. We continuously strive to deliver the best quality of work for our clients and look for team members who are both skilled and passionate about the work. Our internship program is selective, pulling from top area marketing programs. Our Yes&ternship program allows interns to get a glimpse of what working at a marketing agency is like—so that before they accept an entry level role, they know it is the right fit for them. The program is structured so that interns spend equal time learning and working. The program offers internship classes where students have the opportunity to learn from employees throughout the agency, participate in a course of study, and contribute their ideas to different projects. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide interns with an experience that encourages them to want to work for Yes& after they graduate. At the end of the program, interns have the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned at Yes& or talk about a significant project. By going back and reflecting on what they have done during their time at Yes&, interns have the chance to understand what they have learned during their time at the agency. Not only are these presentations one of our interns’ favorite parts of the program, but they are also exciting for their mentors and executive committee to witness.

Lara Mandell

Yes& General

Membership Dilemma: Reaching Gen Z

A new generation has arrived, and it’s time to welcome them into the workplace. They’re socially conscious, creative, want their voices to be heard, and love a good bargain. If you haven’t guessed it by now, we’re talking about Gen Z. Associations are beginning to shift their focus to targeting members of Gen Z. Members of Gen Z are finishing up their time in higher education. Now they’re beginning to enter their careers and explore the different paths they can take. They are searching for the best learning opportunities, the best networking, and the strongest professional development path. As associations are scrambling to connect with the next generation of members, they should consider the unique perspectives Gen Z can bring to the workplace. Associations can accomplish this by partnering with colleges to activate the next generation of members while they are finishing their time in higher education. Offer career development and learning opportunities. It’s time to bring Gen Z into the fold. Associations can learn from this generation by inviting them to participate in the conversation while they are still in college and share their voices regarding what matters to them. By offering internship programs and partnering with students in higher education, you can provide mentorship for the next generation, while also working towards building a pipeline of potential members. Be authentic. Gen Z wants to be part of an organization, or a community rather, with shared values. They are loyal to their beliefs and can easily detect if you aren’t being true to your organization's mission. They value advocacy and activism, and aren’t afraid to hold organizations accountable if they aren’t upholding their beliefs. Take advantage of social media. Gen Z’s virtual content consumption and creation is unlike other generations. Associations can use social media as a resource for Gen Z to find information quickly about the company culture, recent news, and available internships and full-time positions. Start by exploring and getting involved in new channels and testing out different marketing tactics to reach and engage Gen Z. Gen Z can help fill in gaps of learning, networking, and connections that many have lost due to the pandemic. Gen Z is ready to have their voices be heard—and it is an opportunity your association does not want to miss.

Lara Mandell

Yes& General

The Need for a Forceful Rebound for Membership Programs

The past two years have been challenging for association membership programs. When the pandemic hit, the entire nation was forced to shift their regular schedules to a life working from home. In-person meetings were moved to online platforms and everyday business lunches that employees looked forward to were no longer possible. The working world went remote, and managers were at a loss for how to communicate with and manage their employees.

Lara Mandell

Yes& General

Spring Cleaning Your Social Media Strategy

Spring is here, which means flowers are starting to bloom, the cold winter air is drifting away, and it’s time to get rid of the clutter in your life with a little spring cleaning. This may involve cleaning out your desk, vacuuming under your couch, or clearing off that layer of dust that may be clogging your company’s social media strategy.

Lara Mandell

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