
Inquiry. Ideas. Inspiration.

Branding Digital

Your Brand is More Than the Sum of its Parts

The following article is based on a chapter from “The Agile Brand” by Greg Kihlström, now available on Amazon and iTunes.

Greg Kihlström

Branding Digital

The Agile Brand

The following article is based on “The Agile Brand” by Yes& SVP Greg Kihlström, now available on Amazon and iTunes.

Greg Kihlström

Digital Marketing & PR Video Creative

What Video Pros Know That You Don't Know

The ubiquity of the smart phone has put video production into the hands of billions. We have in our hands technology that can produce and transmit pictures and sound that are higher in quality than the finest professional cameras, editing, and graphics equipment could deliver even twenty years ago. And we use it: about 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every second.

Robert W. Sprague


GDPR for U.S.-Based Marketers

You have undoubtedly heard a lot about GDPR lately. This probably involved a slew of emails in your inbox asking you to update your privacy settings, or (depending on the industry you work in), several other changes made to the

Greg Kihlström


Guide to Bank and Credit Union Website Accessibility

Trying to find out exactly how to apply accessibility rules and standards to your financial institution’s website can be challenging. There are many sources of conflicting information out there that can make it difficult to understand the exact rules and how/when they apply to you. We have reviewed the latest information to provide a guide that can help you as you plan your next site or revise your current one.

Greg Kihlström


Battle of the Stories: Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook at a Glance

As social media capabilities continue to increase, so does the connectedness of each platform’s users. One of the fastest-growing tools is the Story function that many have adopted. Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook all have their version of the “story,” and each allows users to share their day in real time. This allows for the ability to do exactly what the name suggests: tell stories.

Greg Kihlström


The State of Digital: 2018

Now that we are a few months into the year, it gives us an interesting opportunity to both look back at the previous year and ahead to the rest of the year to see what trends to watch.

Greg Kihlström


Why GDPR is an Opportunity for U.S. Brands

If you live in the world of digital marketing, you’ve no doubt heard something

Greg Kihlström


Does Your Website Suck? It’s Time to Find Out.

Hey, you. Yes, YOU. Have you taken a look at your website lately?

Oz Coruhlu

Digital Marketing & PR Finance

Marketing Retirement Savings to Millennials

The Disruption Generation It’s widely recognized that millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, have grown into a difficult economy to navigate.

Greg Kihlström


5 Reasons Why Listicles Really Work

Enter listicles (list-style articles). Readable, snackable, and shareable, listicles can be the perfect medium for sharing your words of wisdom. Don’t believe us? Here are 5 reasons to love listicles.

Mark Pedersen


6 Tricks for Getting People to Actually Open and Read Your Emails

Email yields the highest conversion rates of any medium—beating out even social and paid search. It’s also one of the biggest bangs for your buck with 4400% ROI (Source: CampaignMonitor).

Mark Pedersen

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