
Inquiry. Ideas. Inspiration.

Sara Rassi

Sara Rassi
VP Account Management

Recent Posts

Yes& General

A Day In The Life as a Yes& Events Producer

As cliché as it might sound, no two days are alike for an event producer at Yes&. Our client events touch pretty much every department within Yes&, in addition to many external partners, so there’s a lot of interesting things we get to create with a lot of interesting people.

Sara Rassi

Branding Associations

Mental Health is Health

When most people think about health, they naturally think about the physical body. Insurance plans are built around it, workplaces tell you to stay home when you have a cold, and people are able to quickly spot when they or others are not feeling their best physically.

Sara Rassi

Virtual Events Announcement

Tips for Virtual Speakers: Part 1

In this three part series, we’ll take a look at the best tips and tricks for setting up your speakers for success across the space, the presentation, and the tech.

Sara Rassi

Virtual Events Announcement

Tips for Virtual Speakers: Part 2

In this second blog of a three-part series, we’re looking at ways to support and guide speakers for virtual events. We first looked at the recommendations in and around the physical spaces of the speakers, so now let’s turn our attention to how they present online.

Sara Rassi

Virtual Events Announcement

Tips for Virtual Speakers: Part 3

This is our final blog of a three-part series where we’re looking at ways to support and guide speakers for virtual events. We’ve shared the tips and tricks for setting up their physical space and we’ve explored ways to guide them in presenting online. And perhaps, the most critical piece of preparing your speakers is the technology.

Sara Rassi


Quality Over Quantity: Building Your Social Media Presence

You can grow your presence and followers through some easy steps if you consistently apply them.

Sara Rassi


Considering the Customer Experience

Think about your favorite product, store, or service. Now think about what caused your initial awareness and attraction to it. Did you discover it through a need or a want? Why did you ultimately make a purchase? Are you an advocate for it?

Sara Rassi


Social Media: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Social media provides one of the best opportunities to reach potential customers, resolve customer complaints, and actively engage in conversation around your industry, company, and products.

Sara Rassi


Six Tips to Engage Your Audience in a Social World

I can go on and on about how to best use social media, but a lot of that is going to depend on who you can dedicate to it.

Sara Rassi


Creative Design With No Strategy is Like a Cart With No Horse

Let’s put it to the test. Remember the famed and oft-parodied “Got Milk?” campaign, created by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners for the California Milk Processor Board?

Sara Rassi


#Hashtags — Why Use Them?

Let’s explore what a hashtag is, how it got started, and the pros and cons of using one.

Sara Rassi

Marketing & PR

Top Five Reasons You Need a Marketing Agency

Skeptical? Read on.

Sara Rassi

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