
Inquiry. Ideas. Inspiration.

Yes& General

7 Business-to-Government Public Relations Tips To Support Procurement Success

The business-to-government (B2G) market is a lucrative and growing sector, with the U.S. government spending on goods and services totaling more than $6.27 trillion during fiscal year (FY) 2022 alone. The government is highly selective when choosing vendors, and companies must demonstrate a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions that can address the government’s mission objectives. Even during times of economic downturn and debt ceiling discussions, it’s important for companies to remain relevant in this market. As such, B2G public relations (PR) remains a first-line marketing tactic to reach federal, state and local government contracting officers and other key decision-makers.

Chris Gensch

Yes& General

Ask Daisy

introducing: Ask d[ai]sy


Yes& General

The Power of &Storming

A Unique creative brainstorming and ideation approach developed by yes&


Yes& General

ALS Awareness Month: Inspiring Hope

The Washington, D.C., area is home to around 3,500 associations, representing a dizzying array of industries, interests, and philanthropic causes. At Yes&, we’re blessed with a rich and diverse tapestry of association clients, each with its own unique mission, purpose, and promise.

Stuart Granger

TRSA: The Inconspicuous Environmentalist

Earth Day brings many and varied opportunities to honor and appreciate our natural environment and take steps to protect it. Celebrations in our area ranged from urban gardening and farm-to-table cooking demonstrations to community-wide festivals, complete with live music, food trucks, pottery painting, and reusable grocery bag pick-up. While I love a good food truck taco while listening to a local cover band, I also feel compelled to recognize Earth Day by sharing my experience working with our new-ish client, Textile Rental Services Association of America (TRSA)—the association for linen, uniform, and facility services providers. You might wonder what linens and uniforms have to do with Earth Day… a few months ago, before Yes& started working with TRSA, I couldn’t have told you either.

Molly Mark

Were You April Fooled This Year?

With the start of April comes warmer weather, seasonal allergies, and even some friendly competition for the best April Fools’ Day prank. On this day, companies can show off their creativity through fake campaign launches or absurd social media stunts. And this year, brands did not disappoint. Here are our top five marketing pranks for April Fools 2023.

Jeremy Spaso

Yes& General

Yes& Lipman Hearne Develops Powerfully Engaging Creative for Northeastern’s Largest Campaign in History

ALEXANDRIA, VA – April 3, 2023 – Yes& Lipman Hearne recently helped publicly launch an ambitious fundraising campaign for Northeastern University, its largest and most ambitious fundraising campaign to date.


March Madness: Launching St. Peter University's New Brand

It’s March Madness time—which reminds us of one of our favorite clients.

Libby Morse

Google’s GA4 Transition Explained

How you can ensure a smooth data transition (so that no data is lost & there is no break in data tracking) What is GA4? Google Analytics 4 is the newest version of Google Analytics, which provides more advanced tracking capabilities and a deeper understanding of user behavior across multiple devices and platforms.

Chrissie Koeppen

Flying Through A Successful Rebrand

One of the essential parts of a successful rebrand is the relationship between client and agency. This relationship must be built on understanding, trust, and the agency’s successful results. Pre-pandemic, in-person meetings, lunches, and other avenues were easy and helpful ways to build a client relationship. With many clients and agency staff members still working from home, it is important to take every opportunity to submerge yourself in your client’s brand while also building trust.

Jacob Ottenheimer

Yes& General

A Day in the Life of the Yes& Video Production Team

As a recent hire at Yes&, I’ve been introduced to the various and exciting capabilities of our video department. In my role as a Production Coordinator, I collaborate with myriad production partners in the creation of television and radio commercials for cross-platform, integrated advertising campaigns. To help you better understand my daily responsibilities, I’ve broken them down in three parts.

Nick Szary

Yes& Named #1 Largest Visual Art and Design Firm for Two Consecutive Years!

On March 17, 2023, for the second consecutive year, the Washington Business Journalnamed Yes& the #1 Largest Visual Art and Design Firm in Greater Washington D.C. This recognition for Yes& as a top creative agency in the region reflects a year of continued significantgrowth and strategic acquisitions to meet the evolving needs of clients in the corporate, association, government, B2G, higher education, and not-for-profit sectors.  


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